Can anyone tell me if this means anything... 2 or 3 lives ago I was watching & listening to Tonya do a reading & it wasn't my reading but while she was speaking it felt like someone put their hand on the right side of my back below the shoulder blade kinda like at the top of my lung. It was hot & I felt the pressure. It lasted for just under a minute & then it went away. The heat was so intense that it was almost uncomfortable.
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Can anyone tell me if this means anything... 2 or 3 lives ago I was watching & listening to Tonya do a reading & it wasn't my reading but while she was speaking it felt like someone put their hand on the right side of my back below the shoulder blade kinda like at the top of my lung. It was hot & I felt the pressure. It lasted for just under a minute & then it went away. The heat was so intense that it was almost uncomfortable.