My Story
Who is Tonya Le? What is she about? Why does she do this work?
Why in the world am I a Psychic?
It is a long story to long to post in here. What I will say is that I come from a very screwed up background. So bad that in fact by the time I was 10yrs old, I left home and lived on the streets until almost 11yrs old. I grew up in a time frame that there was no help for abused children like me. We were called "throw away kids" (a real term you can look it up). So between shelters , children & foster homes, I never found a place where I could belong or call home. So at 13yrs old I became my own parent and started working 2 jobs, got my first car, and first little bitty home in the hood. It was mine and clean. I was a happy as I could be in the given situation.
During all that time I always knew I had someone guiding me. I did not know much about God, because it was not talked about, and it was not taught. When I tried to ask questions & learn, beatings always followed. I knew something or someone was there helping me guiding through the crazy & dangerous situations I was forced to live in. I did have imagery friends. (Now know were spirits) As I got older I realize God was always with me. He had loving spirits, and his angels around me the whole time. There is so much more I could write, but that is for another time and place. More info in my book that will be released soon.
So let's fast forward to now. After the loss of my Mother and her battle with cancer. I became deathly ill, and spent two years fighting for my life with 3 major surgeries. Those in and out experiences I kept to myself. I was not sure if was real or the drugs, so I said nothing to anyone. I finally conquered that, and got on my feet again, and back to work. Then my husband became ill and in four months after his diagnoses, I was forced to put him in hospice where he died at the age of 32. I was blessed and cursed to hold his hand and look him in the eyes as he took his last breath. Then 5 months later my brother was found dead in his apartment. They said he had been dead a week before being found, and two week by the time I viewed and identified him for myself. I was drowning in grief, to the point I was entertaining suicide thoughts. I made a plan, and i was just waiting for the perfect time to follow through with it.
Then things started happening around me, I was finding all kinds of things all around me, feathers in odd places, voices, and smelling things. Even my son came to me and said "Mom I can hear & see Dad". I was like "What the "What the hell do I do & What does all this mean?" Then a thought came to me "Check online for Psychics" So, I reached out to see what I could find out about this “other side” and way of thinking & life. There had to be something else. There was and I found it!
Through the love and kindness of other readers, tons of my own research, taking classes & the help of two mentors. I was able to dig deeper in my soul than I ever have in my life! My gifts just started pouring out like the waterfall of grace from God! I started remembering things, and naturally allowed spirit to flow through me. Oh how I am blessed! My life has new purpose and meaning, I now know what I am here for! I am blessed that I have the ability to stay connected to my love ones. Knowing for a fact that death is not real, and it is never OVER! It helped save my life! To be able to give that gift to others is awesome! Not only because I can do it, but I know what it is like being on the receiving end of those messages. There is nothing more peaceful on earth, than those messages from spirit, and to be able to help others find closure. I have met many fake psychics along the way, scamming and preying on people like me with grief. In all that I came across, I could only find two that could really connect with my husband, but no more than a word or two, and none that could actually communicate with him. I was blowing money I didn't have, to try and communicate. I knew I had to learn to do it for myself. It became my mission to connect to my husband for myself. You can learn to do it also, for we all have the gift if we just tap into what God has given us.
I also learned how important it is to unconditionally love with yourself, and completely forgive yourself! You can’t love me if you do not love you! This was a hard lesson for me, since I was never taught this concept. In my journey I learned so many lessons! One of the biggest lesson, is to accept that there will always be lessons, and make peace with that. Now I am able to pass that along to other with my one of kind counseling and mentor programs! While helping other I have the privilege to keep learning more along the way. We are all students and we are all teachers!
Never in a Million years did I think I would be doing what I do now. I am grateful that I am! I would love to be a part of your journey, whether it is straight channeling, reading cards, asking pendulum, connecting to spirit, or helping find self discovery. Or taking my classes, or one of my many one on one programs. The meaning of life is to find our gifts, and then our purpose is to give them away! Whatever it is that you are searching for let me help you find it! It would be my honor and privilege to join you along your spiritual journey.
Certified Psychic : International Board Of Certified Psychics
Intuitive Empath & Straight Channel
Certified: Psychic Intuitive Counselor
Physical Medium
Use of all Clair's (except touch but is starting to open)
Automatic Writing & Remote Viewing
Tarot/Angel Card Reader
Pendulum Questions and bring spirit in on Pendulum
Lucid Dreamer
Currently working on Certifications in Master of Intuitive Counseling & Reiki 1 & 2 to become a Master. Explore the many more gifts and abilities that I have been blessed with.
My objective.......... is to grow to my highest spiritual potential!
My Mission............ is To be the ripple effect, for others!
1. To help as many people as I can, so they can be the best version person that they can be. Through my Counseling Services, Shadow & Inner Child Program, Life Coaching & Personal Mentorship! Building Learning Groups, to promote a safe place for all to develop, and build a Spiritual Community!
2. To assist children and adults alike learn how to access and explore their God given gifts.
3. To give a VOICE to those that do not have one, such as the children, human trafficking, and homeless population
4. To assist people that deal with grief , depression, lack of self esteem. Help them find meaning and purpose, to heal. Give them the tools they need to deal with whatever they need to Conquer their struggles of life.
5. To help Lightworkers Learn & Develop their skills, so they too can become the ripple effect!
It would be my honor to connect with you and assist you in whatever way I can! Looking forward to hearing for you soon!
Be Blessed
Tonya Le
❤️Facebook Business Page: The Unique Tonya Le
❤️Join My Facebook Group: Awakening Your Soul by Tonya Le
❤️Follow Me on Instagram: the_unique_tonya_le
❤️Music & Replay Videos: YouTube Playlist