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Join date: Feb 11, 2021


I'm on a spiritual journey to form a deeper connection to my Higher Power, find myself & heal myself from the inside out. I've spent my life doing what everyone else wanted & never stopped to figure out what I like. I'm taking a crystal healing class & I love it. I'm practicing with my Tarot cards. I'm doing a lot of research on how our subconscious works & how to reprogram it, which I wish I had done many moons ago so I would be much further along in my journey, but all happens when the time is right. I'm liking the person I'm discovering & the happiness within me that I thought I would never experience. I have a long way to go, but I'm worth the time & energy it is going to take to get me to where I deserve to be in my life. It's nice to have found a safe place to express myself.


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